Peter Blumenthal Lawyer, Specialist Lawyer for Traffic Law

Focal points

  • Traffic Law
  • Traffic Criminal Law
  • Law Governing Infringements of Road Traffic Law
  • Inheritance Law
  • Liability Law with Medical Malpractice
  • Insurance Law
  • Biography

    Born in 1949 in Bonn. Admitted to the Bar 1978. University studies in Freiburg and Bonn.

    Peter Blumenthal is a specialist lawyer for traffic law and member of the Management Board of the Cologne Bar Association since 2001. On 20 March 2013, he was elected from the Management Board of the Cologne Bar Association as the new President thereof. As a result, he manages the fifth largest Bar Association in Germany with about 12,500 members. In addition, until March 2013, Mr. Blumenthal was the Chairman of the pre-examination board for "Specialist Lawyer for Traffic Law" of the Cologne Bar Association. Mr. Blumenthal is also a recognised, nationally active expert in the field of traffic law and damage liability law due to his previous work as lecturer at the German Lawyers' Academy (Deutsche Anwaltsakademie) of the DAV in the field of traffic criminal and administrative law. In addition, he advises clients in medical malpractice law, insurance law and inheritance law.

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  • Memberships
    • President of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Cologne (Cologne Bar Association)

    • Bonner Anwaltverein (Bonn Bar Association)

    • Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV) (German Bar Association)

    • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verkehrsrecht im DAV (Traffic Law Working Group in DAV)

    • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sportrecht im DAV (Sports Law Working Group in DAV)

    • Deutsche Vereinigung für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge e. V. (German Association for Inheritance Law and Succession)

    • Deutscher Juristentag e. V. (Association of German Jurists)

    • Bonner Juristisches Forum e. V. (Bonn Legal Forum), Berlin im Bereich des Verkehrsstraf- und

    • Strafverfahrensrechts (Chairman of the pre-examination committee "Specialist Lawyer for

    • Traffic Law" at the Cologne Bar Association) Dozent der Deutschen Anwalt Akademie, Berlin im

    • Bereich des Verkehrsstraf- und Strafverfahrensrechts (Lecturer at the German Lawyers'

    • Academy, Berlin in the field of traffic criminal law and criminal procedure law) (until 2007)

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